Become a Captain with Boatsetter!

Written by Mariah Hoefle
May 24, 2019

Last Updated on September 2, 2021 by Boatsetter Team

With thousands of boats in over 150 locations around the world, Boatsetter is the leading online marketplace for connecting boat owners with boat renters. While many of our boat owners serve as their own captains and many of the renters have their own boating license, we still have thousands of boats on the water that need a trusty captain to guide boating tours and excursions for our renters so they can see everything the water has to offer. Boatsetter is the ultimate company for providing captains with opportunities to make the most of their passion.

Sign up today and create your profile

Becoming a captain with Boatsetter is super easy! All you need to do is sign up on our website and create a profile for yourself. You’ll want to upload a nice profile photo of yourself that’ll show boat owners and renters alike your captainly charm. Once you’ve created a profile and your captain license requirements have been verified, you’ll be able to search for boat owners in your area.  They’ll also be able to search for you! This way you can use our marketplace to connect with boat owners and serve as the captain of their boat! The best part is, you’ll be able to select your own rates for taking our renters on excursions and that doesn’t even include tips which are typically 10-15% more than the original payment you will receive.

You’re covered by our world-class insurance

Since all of Boatsetter’s boats are insured with a 1 million dollar insurance plan from Geico Marine Insurance, you can rest assured that you are in good hands from the beginning of the journey to the end. You’ll be able to keep in close contact with the boat owners so you know everything there is to know about the boat and how you can operate the vessel as best as possible. You also have the ability to keep up with the owner and let them know how well your trip went, and even be able to garner good reviews that will help you sustain your relationship with each individual boat owner. You’ll also have 24/7 on-water support from our incredible staff. All in all, we are all partners in this together!

Earn a steady stream of income on a monthly basis

Many of our captains earn a fantastic, steady salary by using our online marketplace. You can use our embedded calendar to set your availability on a weekly or monthly basis. This will allow boat owners to know when you are available and can only book you within those specific time slots. Not to mention, our marketing software will bring inquiries right to your inbox. So all you have to do is just set up your profile, set your calendar, and sit back and relax. We will bring the clients to you! After each trip, all earnings will be deposited directly to your account! And you’ll be ready to serve as a captain for the next boating adventure. So get started today and start making money with Boatsetter!

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