6 Ways Captains Help Boat Owners Get The Most Out Of Boat Rentals.
Last Updated on May 20, 2022 by Boatsetter Team
Boat sharing has become mainstream in the boating world and many boat owners are listing their boats for rent and earning serious income on days when the boat would be sitting idle.
Thousands of boat owners are exploring the best options to earn income with their boats while still feeling confident that their boat is well-cared for when it’s out of their hands. Most have found that offering captained boat rentals by connecting with a licensed captain is one of the best ways to get the most out of boat sharing.
6 Reasons Boat Owners Prefer Captained Boat Rentals.
- They get to know you and how you like your boat handled. Maybe the head is a bit finicky if you don’t know how to work it or you, or you need to no-black-soled-shoes rule enforced strictly or any other unique handling of your boat can be requested that the captain pay special attention to these details.
- They give you peace of mind. Number one, hands down, reason boat owners love having a licensed, experienced captain at the helm during boat rentals…it gives them added peace of mind. It’s a natural feeling for boat owners new to boat sharing. Your boat is your baby, any boat owner understands that, but captains are professionals. This is what they are trained to do and they take their professional reputation seriously.
- They know what to do in the case of an emergency. Boating is an adventure; almost always an amazing adventure. But, sometimes, the unpredictable happens. Like bad weather rolling in unexpectedly, engine troubles or even hard-to-navigate waterways. Your experienced captain is ready to operate in any kind of emergency situation; this is what they are trained to do.
- They handle the details. There are a few details that need to be taken care of with each rental. By setting up captained boat rentals, the owner can delegate most, if not all, of the details to the captain.
- Check Out – Check In: There is a check out / check in procedure that takes place before and at the end of all boat rentals. It could be compared to what happens when you rent a car. Each party signs off on the condition at start and then confirms that condition at the end. Your captain can handle this paperwork for you.
- Refueling: The captain can help renters get the boat refueled to its original levels at the end of the rental.
- Communication on Rental Day: Sometimes communication might be required in the few days leading up to the rental. Your captain can often connect with the renters and handle that for you. Your captain might also communicate with the marina on your behalf to let them know of the pending rental.
- They keep the renters happy. Captains can make the rental awesome by adding some personality, accommodating the wishes of the guests as well as acting as a tour guide or fishing expert. All of this leads to better boat rental experience which will keep this group coming back as well as referring their friend. The great reviews you receive will also be key in attracting new renters.
- You can earn more money. Boaters with no experience (or who don’t want the responsibility) will only search for boat rentals that include a captain. By connecting a captain to your boat rental, your boat will appear when they search. End result: you’re likely to get more rentals and earn more income.
Boatsetter, the leading boat sharing company, also offers the largest network of US Coast Guard-licensed captains that are ready and willing to connect with you and be the captain of your boat while it goes out on rentals. The Boatsetter platform is also set up so that you can bring your own captain along with you, if you have someone established. Offering captain boat rentals is the best way for boat owners to get the most out of boat sharing!
List your boat today and start earning! This is the better way to own a boat.

Boatsetter empowers people to explore with confidence by showing them a world of possibility on the water. Rent a boat, list your boat, or become a Boatsetter captain today.