3 Biggest Reasons Owners Download The Boatsetter Owner App
Here at Boatsetter, we’re all for working smarter and not harder. As we venture further into the tech and boating territory, Team Boatsetter strives to give boat owners the best experience possible. The architecture is simple: The Boatsetter Owner App is a tool to rent out your boat, or your fleet, smoother, easier, and more efficiently. In this post, we’ll cover the three biggest reasons you should consider downloading The Owner App (if you already haven’t!)
Owners using The App (App Store | Google Play) will enjoy a suite of app-exclusive features and many more to come.
1. Get notifications on booking requests & new messages
Renters will be able to connect with you by two methods: 1) The Renter sends you a booking request for your boat 2) The Renter sends you an inquiry, or question about your boat. You’ll want to get to all booking requests or inquiries as soon as possible to deter them from seeking another option.
Pro tip: Try to maintain a response time of less than an hour and a half. Not only are Owners, who are friendly, informative, and respond back within an hour and a half, favored by Renters; but also, they’re able to maintain high search rank.
On The App, you’ll be able to receive notifications of booking requests or inquiries. You can opt-in to receiving SMS notifications, or simply enable push on the system setting of your phone to be able to unlock the Push toggles in the Notification Settings on The App.
2. Keep a close eye on stats & earnings
On the Owner Dashboard, you’ll find important performance stats such as: Response rate, [number of] Completed bookings, and Total earnings. With The App on your phone, you’re in a-click’s-reach to viewing your performance stats.
Pro tip: Download The App (App Store | Google Play) to keep a close eye on performance stats to make sure you stay focused on your goals.
Also, you can keep an eye on your payout history, and update your payout preferences more efficiently.
3. Smooth check-in and check-out
Before the Renter departs, they must check-in with you; and after they return your boat and leave, they must check-out with you. Check-in and check-out consists of inspecting your boat and the equipment, recording your engine hours, and fuel level. Fulfilling check-in and check-out is crucial to any insurance claims you might submit. Failure to complete check-in and check-out may result in denial of your damage claim.
Pro tip: Make sure to take pictures of your boat before the Renter departs, if damages are found and report them within 24 hours via email to claims@boatsetter.com.
Even though you should be conscientious when checking Renters in and out, you should strive for seamlessness. That’s where The App comes in handy (no pun intended)! You won’t have to worry about connectivity issues getting in the way of a smooth check-in or check-out.
95% of Top Owners use the app
We’re always looking to grow our Top Owners list by sharing important findings like this! We encourage you to follow the steps of Top Owners, download The Boatsetter Owner App today (App Store | Google Play), and enjoy being an on-the-water entrepreneur.
About us
Boatsetter is the go-to app for boat rentals and on-water experiences. Whatever the adventure, we’ve got a boat for that—Set sail, start the party, go yachting, make your trophy catch, and hone your watersports skills! Download the Boatsetter app (App Store | Google Play). Make sure to follow @boatsetter on Instagram, and tag us in all your boat day pictures for the chance to be featured.
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