boat captain

Captains: Learn 4 tips on how to provide excellent customer service

Written by Boatsetter Team
January 4, 2018

Last Updated on January 14, 2022 by Boatsetter Team

4 Ways to Give Your Passengers The Best Experience

Charter boat captains have a key job to do. In addition to driving the boat (obviously), the captain of a boat rental wears many hats. He/she predicts the weather, knows where to grab the best sunset view, can navigate a challenging docking scenario to get hungry boaters to the best dockside dining spot and is an expert at the off-the-beaten path snorkeling points of interest. All these maneuvers make the boat rental experience more memorable and are key to the charter boat captain’s tips, repeat business and overall reputation as a captain of choice. Here are four important tips to help you amaze your boat rental customers.

Being an amazing charter boat captain is as easy as 1,2,3,4!

  1. Touch base in advance.Once you have a boat rental on the calendar, make a note to touch base with the renters a few days in advance. Maybe they have some questions or provisional needs that they want to run by you, maybe they need to verify directions or parking instructions – you’ll be ready to proactively meet their requests on boat charter day by checking in with them in advance.
  2. Be early. Vince Lombardi famously said, “If you are five minutes early, you’re already ten minutes late.” While we don’t always have to be sticklers for punctuality in our day to day lives, boat charter captains in-the-know live by this rule. Guests get lost, show up early, need help at the marina…anything can happen, and a good captain is there to assist!
  3. Plan for anything. The anything can happen mantra is one of the most fun yet unpredictable aspects of boating. Boat rentals even more so because guests might be expecting to go fishing but not bring rods or run out of bottled water on an extremely hot day. A good charter boat captain is prepared for the unexpected. He/she has a plan in mind if bad weather pops up, if the guests don’t know where they want to go or even if they run out of ice for the cooler.
  4. Provide added attention (but not too much). The extra touches provided by a charter boat captain make the difference between an average boating experience and a truly memorable one. Captains can make their boat rental guests feel special by providing them with a fun story about their location, snapping a group picture for the Instagram profile or having extra cold waters available if needed. Equally as important, the experienced charter boat captain will stay in the background, so the boat rental guests never feel they don’t have privacy.

Charter boat captains can raise the bar and earn more money by following a few easy steps to amaze their passengers. Boatsetter, the #1 boat rental community, is always on the lookout for new captains. Sign up today!

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