How to Maximize Your Booking Opportunities on Boatsetter
Last Updated on August 24, 2021 by Boatsetter Team
At Boatsetter, our goal is to make exciting on-the-water experiences available to everyone. And while many renters are more than qualified to operate boats, there are plenty without boating experience who still want to get out on the water—which is why we created the Boatsetter Captain Network.
We’ve made this network available to you, at no additional cost, to help you maximize your experience on our platform. When you engage our United States Coast Guard-certified network of captains, you automatically appeal to a wider range of renters—those who either cannot or do not wish to operate the boat. You still have control over who rents your boat and you can easily add a “favorite” to guide renters to the captains you prefer. We require captains to sign up with their USCG credentials, so you can have peace of mind knowing that every captain in our network is a certified, trusted professional.
The opt-in process is easy! Simply go to Owner dashboard > My Boats > Manage boat > Options and pricing > Click edit > Select the option “A USCG-certified captain operates my boat”
To find potential captains for your boat, go to Owner dashboard > My boats > Manage captains. From here you can:
- Register a captain with USCG credentials
- Search for specific captains to add to your boat
- Invite a captain by sending them a URL to your boat
- Select which captains are or are not qualified to operate your boat
- Choose a “favorite” captain to appear on your boat listing
Go to your owner dashboard and opt-in to the Boatsetter Captain Network today. Once your boat is available to a larger pool of potential renters, you’ll be able to share your love of boating with even more people who want to experience the joys of life on the water.

Boatsetter empowers people to explore with confidence by showing them a world of possibility on the water. Rent a boat, list your boat, or become a Boatsetter captain today.