How to beat the mall crowds? Black Friday Boat Rentals!

Written by Boatsetter Team
December 28, 2017

Last Updated on January 14, 2022 by Boatsetter Team

What’s better than packed parking lots, crowded malls, and long checkout lines? Head out on the water for Black Friday boat rentals, the new (ultimate) way to SPEND something…it’s called time enjoying the water!

Trending Now: Black Friday Boat Rentals

Forget those long lines, we’ve got tight lines for all you anglers, and wide open skies that rival any advertised bargain. And about those bargains, can they offer you the freedom of a gorgeous day spent roaming the waterways? We think not. The Black Friday boat rentals is where the fun’s at this Black Friday, or should it be renamed #BlueFriday?

Many retailers (including outdoor outfitters like REI) have made headlines recently by pledging to stay closed this Thanksgiving, and there’s good reason for that. Employees should be able to spend time with their families, too! Plus, many retailers feel that opening on Thanksgiving is simply not worth the hassle. We totally agree! Why waste a perfectly good day off from work in a crowded mall when you can spend it on Black Friday boat rentals? This Black Friday, we’re getting as far away from the malls as possible and closer to some more natural scenery.

Other retailers are extending deals through the holiday season. Amazon, for example, reported recently that their deals will last until Dec. 22nd. So you can relax after dinner on Thanksgiving—no need to rush out the door at midnight for that discounted flat screen. Looks like your Black Friday boat rentals just became official (and that coveted TV will still be a bargain when you get back).

If you still want get some shopping in on Black Friday, do it on your phone from the deck of Black Friday boat rentals. Then post a fabulous selfie overlooking the bay. Holiday shopping? All done! Bonus points for looking stunningly refreshed. After all, you didn’t have to wade through crammed parking lots and hour-long lines to get it done.

Ready to turn your #BlackFriday into a perfect shade of blue? Opt out of the shopping frenzy and head out to the water with Black Friday boat rentals. Boatsetter has a fleet of boats available to help you make the most of the holidays on the water while enjoying your time with friends and family.

Black Friday boat rentals — Now a thing!

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